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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Honeybee Festival

Gypsy at the Honeybee Festival

Gypsy at the Honeybee Festival

This weekend was the Palo Cedro Honeybee festival. We have been participating in this event for the last 6 years. We take alpaca products and a couple of alpacas each day. We are spinning and weaving in the booth but by far the biggest attraction is the alpacas.

We normally bring alpacas that are going to the fall shows. How better to socialize them than by being petted by every stranger attending the festival. We swap out animals each day. Attendees remarked we treat the alpacas better than the humans. They always have fans on them. This year we really needed them. The temperature was in the triple digits. The alpacas were under a huge tree with a pop up tent and fans.

As always the alpacas were wonderful ambassadors. They had a steady stream of admirers both days. During one of the few breaks we had the alpacas kushed and Triumph was caught cat napping. He was like I am when I read the paper and my head nods and the paper drops. POWER NAP!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ide Adobe Day SHP

I joined fellow weavers and spinners at Ide Adobe Day in Red Bluff. We wore period dress of the 1850's. I can tell you I have a whole new respect for those people and the cloth they wore. It was a reasonably hot day probably around 100 degrees. We did get a spot under a lovely old oak tree that provided lots of shade, it was still uncomfortably hot. We rejoiced when the breeze came off the Sacramento River. It was a lovely day, got to talk to lots of people interested in the crafts if the period. Volunteers played period music, there were hands on period activities and crafts. It was fun to see how much fun the kids were having with a couple of sticks and a hoop they tossed back and forth.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fun Day Scarf Making

Felted Scarf Play Day

Felted Scarf Play Day

What a lovely day we had making felted scarves. It is amazing how a group of people with the same resources can create totally one of a kind scarves.




Roll that Scarf - Sandi

Roll that Scarf - Sandi

Nancy's Scarf

Nancy's Scarf

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Joy of meeting a Cria.

Sparkle with visitor

Sparkle with visitor

Farm visitors love meeting the crias. These two visitors got to hold Magdalena and Sparkle who are both about 20 days old. You can see the joy in the kids faces. Here is where you create a memory.
Magdalena with visitor

Magdalena with visitor

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dye Play Day

The temperature's are rising but that didn't stop us from enjoying ourselves. When went into dyeing frenzy mode. We dyed in crock pots single colors, multiple colors, we did fiber, roving, sock yarn and silk. We also painted rovings and yarn. We did subdued colors, and wild colors. While we were waiting for the dyed products to dry, we spun, carded, picked. It was a great day.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lavender Fields Forever!

Had a fun day off the farm. Met with some friends and visited the Tuscany Heights Lavender Festival. You could buy a $5 ticket to cut your own lavender. They said you can cut all you want. Probably not the correct thing to say with alpaca people with lots of fleece to protect. Richard the owner even let us pick some of his private reserve found in his back yard.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Shear Bliss Born July 11, 2013

Shear Bliss is a big 20.8 pound bay black cira. Couldn't wait around for us to see her be born. She was up and nursing waiting for someone to come out and say hello.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Meet Magdalena born July 6th 2013

Magdalena and Rroyal

Magdalena and Rroyal

Magdalena was named after a famous female contortionist. Why you ask? Well she was a bit like a pretzel on delivery day. Her presentation was two front feet and no head. She was upside down with her head back and her legs some how wrapped about her head. Thank goodness for vets with small hands, Betsy was up to her arm pits with both hands getting her turned around for delivery.

Magdalena was a healthy cria with good energy but seemed to be unable to nurse. All the correct instincts but she didn't seem be able to tilt her head at the correct angle to nurse. At 48 hours old she went to the chiropractor for an adjustment. The axis, where the head meets the spine was out of position as well and the vertebra just before the shoulder was a bit rotated. Immediately after the adjustment you could see a change in the way she held herself. She now had no problems nursing. Yahoo!!
A bit windswept

A bit windswept

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July... our new arrival Sparkle

Sparkle and Contessa

Sparkle and Contessa

Can my girls pick the wrong days to deliver. This week has been unusually warm for Redding that is know for it's warm weather. Our temperatures over the last week have ranged from 106 to 113. We set a new record for the highest LOW temperature on record. That would be a mild 87 degrees.

You guessed it NOW was the time for Contessa to deliver. She had a small 12.7 pound female we named Sparkle in honor of her July 4th birthday. She has interesting markings at first was white and she had rolled in our red Redding soil. NO she has medium fawn ears, white or beige neck and shoulder and the rest is light fawn. Sparkle is a Redding girl now and after a good couple of rolls in our red soil she will look light fawn.

Have a great Independence Day.


See I'm lots of colors.

See I'm lots of colors.

Already on the move.

Already on the move.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

So you think it's hot!!

Here's the busy little robin.

Here's the busy little robin.

Have you ever thought about the wildlife that still has to find their food no matter what the temperature is. They don't have air conditioning and swamp coolers like we do. This little robin has been at it all day finding food. The current temperature is about 109. The second picture is of another bird that was around too. Anyone know if this is a juvenile robin?
Is this a juvenile robin?

Is this a juvenile robin?